Whiteaker Connects

WCC is a 2024 #AARP CommunityChallenge grantee, a quick-action project funded by @AARPLivableCommunities and @AARPOregon. With this grant we will be expanding digital connectivity during emergencies by distributing back up cell phone chargers and increasing internet locations where community members can get the info they need to respond to disasters. You can learn more about the AARP Community Challenge grant program at www.aarp.org/CommunityChallenge.

Stay tuned for exciting news about free emergency wifi hubs going up in the Whiteaker!

Are you low income, 50+ and live, work or own property in the Whit? Sign up below for a free solar cell phone charger. Chargers must be picked up at the next WCC Disaster Resiliency Event at the Campbell Senior Center on October 5th, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. 

To download a PDF copy of the AARP Disaster Resilience Toolkit, please click here.

Solar Charger Sign Up Form