
Whiteaker Community Art Team

The Whiteaker Community Art Team (also known as WCAT) works to create a vibrant and equitable arts community in the Whiteaker. Through conversation or competitive process, WCAT connects community initiatives with our member artists. We strive to share ideas and create projects that contribute to the diverse character of the Whiteaker neighborhood.


  1. Whiteaker free wall

  2. Street murals

  3. A Call for Our Future

  4. Whiteaker Art Walk

Currently the committee is focused on the Whiteaker Last Friday ArtWalk.

Facebook | Instagram

Join the group to stay informed, PARTICIPATE and SUPPORT art in our hood!

Public Health & Safety

The Public Health and Safety Committee works to address issues related to the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the community. Issues addressed include housing, houselessness, disease prevention, public safety and to address the ongoing response and recovery to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


  1. Public health campaigns 

  2. Wellness clinics

Our meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month from 6-7pm via Google Meet.

Join by computer:

Join by phone: (401) 379-3235 and use the PIN: 700054179

7 members of the Whiteaker Transportation Council pose in front of a bus decorated with One 4 All and All 4 One Covid Initiative banners


The Transportation Committee provides direction on transportation-related issues in the Whiteaker through deliberation of the committee and solicitation of input from the WCC general membership. The Committee will also work to build capacity in the Whiteaker, empowering WCC members to engage with the City of Eugene on transportation issues and improve transportation within our neighborhood.


  1. Train quiet zone

  2. 20 is plenty / 20 es suficiente signs

City members march down a street holding protest signs.

Social Justice

The Social Justice Committee is focused on working with other organizations to assure that the Whiteaker Neighborhood takes care of its own. Dedicated to improving connections to service providers, bringing resources to those that need them, neighborhood clean-ups, extreme weather response, and outreach. There are currently no formal meeting times, as much of the work happens through our other committees as social justice is a core part of every aspect of our work. 


  1. Whiteaker history project