WCC Meeting: Meeting Minutes 4/7/21


Board: Chris Gadsby, Gail Caru-Vetter, Dilenia Cardona, Katie Guske, Ian Winbrock, Margaret Steinbrunn, Johnny Skirving, Anand Holtham-Keathley

Linda Frohbach, Theresa Buchell, Meg Schaefer, Travis Dee, Iska Johnson, Emma Jones, Gabriel Piechowicz, Jennifer Hoover

Action Items


Minutes: Motion to accept January meeting minutes. Angie motioned, Chris seconded. Passed. Angie will bring motion for February and March minutes to next meeting.

WCAT: We are working to partner with places around the city to use the money to pay our artists that worked on the phone booth to call your future self. It’s a way to inspire confidence, hope, and build a sense of community. The Motion is for WCAT to submit a Heritage Arts Grant, which would bring the phone booth to Springfield. We would need to submit it by April 15th, and we hear back June 8th. We believe we will ask for $750. Margaret Seconds. Motion passes.

City of Eugene is asking for application for a member of the organization to speak to the aspirations of diverse committee members to serve on the panel. Meeting is every 2 weeks for 2 hours for about 20 meetings. This is a paid opportunity: $1500. It would be a conflict of interest if a board member served. It is due by 4/30th. We do not yet have to have a representative. It would be nice to vet someone. We would use the focus of historically marginalized communities. We would need to vet 2 people. Ian motioned, Angie seconded. Passed.


WCC Board Meeting: Meeting Minutes 4/21/21


WCC Meeting: Meeting Minutes 3/31/21